Tax Resolution Blog

The IRS Solutions’ blog is filled with tax pro solutions and the latest IRS tax news, insights, and information about tax resolution. 

irs tax news and tax resolution blog
Difference between a levy and a lien

Understanding the Difference Between a Levy and a Lien

Knowing the difference between a levy and a lien helps CPAs, Enrolled Agents, and other tax pros guide their clients through the successful resolution of challenging IRS cases. Proper guidance based on a clear understanding of IRS levy vs lien can make the difference between financial stability and continued stress for your clients.     What is a Tax Lien? An IRS tax levy is when the IRS actually seizes a taxpayer’s property to satisfy a tax debt. Unlike a lien, which is a claim against the property, a levy means the IRS takes possession of the assets. This can involve seizing bank accounts, garnishing wages, or taking other property

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Wage and income transcripts tool

New Wage and Income Transcripts Summary Tool Simplifies Transcript Analysis

In-depth analysis of wage and income transcripts is a critical skill for every tax resolution accountant and anyone preparing taxes. These documents paint a comprehensive picture of a taxpayer’s financial history – but comparing and interpreting them can be a challenge. That’s why IRS Solutions® is introducing the Wage and Income Transcripts Summary Tool, a groundbreaking feature that makes wage and income transcripts analysis faster and more insightful than ever before. Designed for precision and efficiency, this tool will transform the way accountants, enrolled agents, and tax resolution specialists approach the task. By offering a side-by-side presentation of income-related data, including W-2, 1099, and withholding information across multiple years, the

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how to get tax clients

14 Expert Tips Show You How to Get Tax Clients and Earn More

As a tax professional, expanding your client base is a constant goal. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your practice to the next level, attracting and retaining clients requires more than just providing a great service—it’s about consistently demonstrating value and building trust.  In this blog, we’ll explore tips on how to get tax clients for a tax practice, ensuring you attract and retain a steady stream of clients in need of your expertise.   From expanding service offerings to marketing and sales activities, the tips below are proven ways to grow your tax practice, generate more revenue, and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Implementing these strategies can significantly increase your client base and create a

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IRS Tax Resolution Software Options: Myths vs. Fact

IRS Tax Resolution Software Options: Myths vs. Fact

There are many IRS tax resolution software options on the market, and selecting the right one can be a challenge. Some companies try to convince you that their product is the best choice by making false promises of a comprehensive solution and backing them up with flashy marketing. Unfortunately, reality often fails to live up to the hype. It’s a real risk for tax pros who need help managing complex cases. Partnering with the wrong software can lead to hidden costs and unnecessary frustrations. Due diligence is the key to a confident choice. Research different products and companies, then analyze the results with a careful professional tax software comparison. Calculate the price, not just for a base package, but for

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IRS enrolled agent

How to Take an IRS Enrolled Agent Practice to the Next Level

An IRS Enrolled Agent holds the highest level of professional status granted by the Internal Revenue Service. While CPAs, attorneys, and Enrolled Agents are all authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS, Enrolled Agents have a unique distinction.   EA must demonstrate expertise in all areas of taxation, representation, and ethics to earn their license. This credential qualifies them to offer a broad range of expert tax resolution services, yet many Enrolled Agents focus primarily on tax preparation. Although this may seem like a safe choice, it often comes with particular challenges: Unstable Workload: Tax prep work is highly concentrated into just a few months each year. In the months leading up to April 15, many Enrolled Agents spend 60

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Difference between a levy and a lien

Understanding the Difference Between a Levy and a Lien

Knowing the difference between a levy and a lien helps CPAs, Enrolled Agents, and other tax pros guide their clients through the successful resolution of challenging IRS cases. Proper guidance based on a clear understanding of IRS levy vs lien can make the difference between financial stability and continued stress for your clients.     What is a Tax Lien? An IRS tax levy is when the IRS actually seizes a taxpayer’s property to satisfy a tax debt. Unlike a lien, which is a claim against the property, a levy means the IRS takes possession of the assets. This can involve seizing bank accounts, garnishing wages, or taking other property like a house or a car. The IRS usually resorts

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Offer in compromise tools

Transform Your Tax Resolution Practice with Offer in Compromise Tools

An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is an offer made to the IRS to settle a tax debt for less than the full amount owed. This option can be a lifeline for individuals and businesses facing significant financial difficulties, but submitting a successful OIC is not easy. The Washington Post reports that, in 2022, taxpayers proposed 36,022 Offers in Compromise to the IRS. Only 13,165 were accepted, and the offer in compromise acceptance rate was only 36 percent. Tax resolution is a complex and nuanced process requiring a thorough knowledge of IRS procedures and an understanding of the financial intricacies involved. This is where the expertise of tax professionals comes into play. By leveraging their skills and using specialized Offer in

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become an authorized e file provider

Launch a Tax Practice: Become an Authorized E File Provider

Are you a CPA, tax professional, or enrolled agent looking to establish yourself as a trusted local advisor? If so, it’s time to consider starting a tax prep business. The first step is to become an authorized e-file provider. Electronic filing is a powerful tool that streamlines operations while providing clients with a convenient, efficient, and secure way to file their taxes. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of becoming an authorized e-file provider and walk you through the steps you need to take to get started on the path to success. You’ll take away valuable insights and actionable advice that will help you launch a practice, expand your offerings, and take your tax services business to new

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irst Time Penalty Abatement letter.

5 Steps to a Winning IRS First-Time Penalty Abatement Letter

A taxpayer who falls behind on their payments to the IRS owes more than back taxes. Interest and penalties pile up, adding to their debt. Frightened and overwhelmed, clients often turn to a CPA, Enrolled Agent, or other tax resolution specialist for help. The IRS offers First Time Abatements to reduce the load, but securing one is difficult, and success rates are low. In 2019, only 12% of Failure to File (FTF) and Failure to Pay (FTP) abatement applications were accepted, along with only 9% of requests to abate other individual penalties. You’ll need skill, savvy, and a great First Time Penalty Abatement letter to secure approval for your next tax resolution client. We have everything you need and a

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Internal Revenue Manual

Keep Up with Changes to the Internal Revenue Manual and Internal Revenue Code

The United States tax system is notoriously complicated and intimidating to laypeople. Perhaps that’s why the IRS reports that over 700,000 professionals currently have an active PTIN (Paid Taxpayer Identification Number) and that more than half of all taxpayers hire an expert to assist in preparing their annual returns. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) are crucial tools for every CPA, Enrolled Agent, and tax resolution specialist.  As administrations begin and new government officials come into office, priorities shift and values change, leading to revisions in the IRC and IRM. It’s critical for tax pros to stay current on all the latest developments, but that goal can be hard to achieve. Fortunately, the IRS Solutions

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Wage and income transcripts tool

New Wage and Income Transcripts Summary Tool Simplifies Transcript Analysis

In-depth analysis of wage and income transcripts is a critical skill for every tax resolution accountant and anyone preparing taxes. These documents paint a comprehensive picture of a taxpayer’s financial history – but comparing and interpreting them can be a challenge. That’s why IRS Solutions® is introducing the Wage and Income Transcripts Summary Tool, a groundbreaking feature that makes wage and income transcripts analysis faster and more insightful than ever before. Designed for precision and efficiency, this tool will transform the way accountants, enrolled agents, and tax resolution specialists approach the task. By offering a side-by-side presentation of income-related data, including W-2, 1099, and withholding information across multiple years, the Wage and Income Transcripts Summary Tool facilitates deeper, more insightful

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How to Improve the Tax Busy Season

How to Improve the Tax Busy Season: A Tax Pro’s Survival Guide

For many CPAs, Enrolled Agents, and other tax professionals, the first part of the year is synonymous with long hours, tight deadlines, and a significant strain on resources. We’ve got good news for you: There’s a better way. The experts at IRS Solutions® are here with innovative strategies and practical solutions to help you thrive throughout the tax season, transforming it from a period of high stress and workload into a time of increased revenue, efficiency, and client satisfaction. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, this guide will show you how to improve the tax busy season and turn it into an opportunity for growth. The Stress of Tax Season Most tax pros clock 40 to

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how to become an irs enrolled agent

How to Become an IRS Enrolled Agent: Key Tips for Tax Pros

CPAs and tax professionals always look for ways to get ahead, add value, and better serve their clients. Specialization in the lucrative field of IRS tax resolution services is one option that has attracted much attention in recent years. Another is becoming credentialed and working as an Enrolled Agent (EA). Is a career as an Enrolled Agent the right path for you? The expert IRS Solutions team is here to walk you through key aspects of becoming and working as an Enrolled Agent, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an intelligent decision. What is an IRS Enrolled Agent? Enrolled agent status is the highest credential bestowed by the IRS. An IRS Enrolled Agent is a federally

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offer in compromise acceptance rate

Offer in Compromise Acceptance Rate: How to Improve Your Chances with the IRS

People often complain that they should not file an Offer in Compromise for a client because the acceptance rate is only 36%. This percentage rate has been consistent for years (+/- 5%). So that leads many tax pros to question, “What are the chances of getting my client OIC accepted”?   The Offer in Compromise acceptance rate by the IRS depends on several factors. It is challenging to provide an exact probability of acceptance without knowing the specific details of your financial situation and tax liabilities. However, I can give you some general information on the factors that the IRS considers when evaluating OIC applications and how you can improve your chances.     Offer in Compromise Acceptance Rate: What

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IRS Collections

Navigating IRS Collections: A Guide for Tax Pros

Dealing with the IRS in any capacity can be a distressing experience, especially for someone without specialized knowledge. The process of IRS collections is notably one of the most intimidating and stressful aspects. When you fall behind on your tax obligations, it initiates a sequence of events, commencing with the accrual of interest and penalties and potentially culminating in IRS enforcement actions. The IRS has a 10-year window to collect a debt before the statute of limitations runs out. During that period the agency vigorously pursues what it is owed. In FY 2022, the IRS collected over $98.4 billion in unpaid assessments on returns filed with additional tax due. That same year, the IRS received an $80B influx through the

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how to apply for caf number

Every Tax Pro Should Know How To Apply For CAF Number

Obtaining a CAF number is a straightforward yet crucial step on the professional journey of any tax resolution specialist or authorized representative. This critical identification number eases the process of communication with the IRS and serves as a testament to your authorized status, allowing you to represent your clients effectively in tax matters. Whether you are working with a client for the first time or are a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your practice, understanding the nuances of the CAF number is essential. Do you have questions about the CAF number? You’re not alone. The experts at IRS Solutions® are here with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions: 1. What Is IRS CAF Number? The IRS CAF

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IRS Form 9465

Installment Agreements for Tax Pros: IRS Form 9465 and Form 433

Mastery over the tools of the trade is paramount for anyone working in the specialized, complex area of tax resolution. For expert tax professionals, this means cultivating an awareness of the many IRS forms available and knowing when and how to deploy them with precision. The right IRS form can be the linchpin to a successful resolution, saving clients from prolonged disputes and financial strain. A grasp of two forms, in particular, is critical – IRS Form 9465 and IRS Form 433. This article offers an in-depth exploration of these forms, tailored for emerging and experienced tax professionals. IRS Form 433: The Financial Microscope The primary role of IRS Form 433, the Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed

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IRS Form 8821 vs IRS Form 2848

IRS Form 8821 vs 2848: A Guide for Tax Information Authorization

The Internal Revenue Service publishes over 800 forms and schedules. Professionals know that navigating the complex world of tax forms can be a daunting task. Confusion often arises from understanding the differences between IRS Form 8821 vs IRS Form 2848. These forms, while seemingly similar, serve distinct purposes. Each is appropriate in different scenarios. It’s essential to understand which form is best to use for your clients, particularly in tax resolution cases. Understanding the Differences Between IRS Form 8821 vs 2848 While both Form 8821 (Tax Information Authorization) and Form 2848 (Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative) allow for the sharing of tax information, the key difference lies in the level of authority granted. Form 8821 allows for the sharing and

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client portal for accountants

Choosing the Best Client Portal for Accountants

As accounting has evolved from the old ways of paper, pencils, adding machines, and file cabinets to the high-tech methods that are commonplace today, so has the way that tax pros exchange information with their clients. Once upon a time, you depended on clients to bring tall stacks of paper to the office or waited for the arrival of large, expensive packages of printed documents via what we now call snail mail. Of course, clients didn’t consistently deliver on time, and packages were often lost. Now there’s a better way. Today, the most efficient practices use a portal to exchange documents and communicate with clients. Choosing the best client portal for accountants can be challenging. The experts at IRS Solutions®

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tax audit software

Tax Audit Software: An Accountant’s Crystal Ball

Few words evoke the same level of dread in the hearts and minds of the average American than “IRS Audit”. Just say it out loud…you can practically hear the “here comes Jaws!” dum-dum-dum-dum. Composer John Williams described those familiar tuba notes as “grinding away at you, just as a shark would do…instinctual, relentless, unstoppable.” Sharks aside, that’s just how the notice of an impending audit feels for most taxpayers.    The good news for clients facing an audit is that they’ve got you to guide them. The better news is that you’ve got IRS Solutions with IAN on your side. Our new IRS Advance Notification™ (IAN) system is here to help you serve your clients with cutting-edge tax audit software,

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